I've started to carry a sketch book with me and i'm trying to get over my fear of clean white sheets! I also need to remember that sketch books are a place to make mistakes.
I watched one of my sons drawing a few days ago and i was envious of his approach....
He took a stack of A4 sheets, placed them in front of him , removed the top sheet and started to draw. Simple....I asked him quickly 'what are you drawing' He said he didn't know and sometimes its better that way. I also asked why remove the top sheet and he replied "i just don't like the top sheet, the next page is always crisper".
I really love to see them drawing!

Also over the last few days I've been learning about constraints in MAYA.
The next step is to create animatics for the Alien Abduction'
I've also been experimenting with stock character rigs. I'm thinking about trying some walk cycles using 'animators survival kit' and the Eric Goldberg book.